Military Ministry at The Lighthouse

Military Ministry at The Lighthouse
LEGO American Roadshow

Monday, June 6, 2016

Military Ministry At The Wagner's June 4-5, 2016

John Otriz was the only one that came over on Saturday evening this week. Andrew Raffety flew to Texas to visit a friend for a few days leave, and Joshua Ellinor was out looking for a car! Christian Fabella had other plans for Saturday.

We had a good time! Watched "Ice Age" while we ate fish sticks and Potatoes O'Brien for dinner and then had Italian Ice for dessert. John said the fish sticks were the same as he ate when he was little. It was even the same brand!

Then we played Settlers of Catan. This was a really slow game! None of us got the rolls of the dice we needed and none of us got resource cards for a long time.

But during the game we got a special treat! Our neighbors from across the street came over with a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies! What a blessing that was!

John Ortiz presenting the game winner's trophy to Yvonne!

Yvonne won the game! I was so surprised. No one even thought she was in the lead. I think she tricked us! She had the longest road and one victory point with a development card.

Sunday after church Josh Ellinor, John Ortiz, and Cristian Fabella joined us for lunch! Yvonne made Lasagna and home made rustic Italian bread for dinner. Then a Salzberger Nockerl for dessert.

After dinner we watched "The Perfect Stranger" with Jefferson Moore and Pamela Brumley.

A lawyer named Nikki gets a dinner invitation on the night her husband is going to a ball game with his friends. She believes that the invitation is really from her husband who feels bad about leaving her alone on a Friday night, so she accepts. When she arrives at the restaurant she finds instead someone she has never seen before. A man, well dressed, who claims to be Jesus Christ. The conversation they have is really interesting and thought provoking!

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