Military Ministry at The Lighthouse

Military Ministry at The Lighthouse
LEGO American Roadshow

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Lion King, Pizza, and Skip-Bo!

This weekend was a direct result of last week's movie. After we watched Courageous last Sunday one of the guys said something. I didn't catch what he said, but everyone else did! They all knew it as a line from the movie "The Lion King". I had never seen it so I had no idea what the reference meant.

In unison all of the guys said, "You've NEVER seen the Lion King?" I said, "Nope, I've never seen
The Lion King."

They all acted if I was from another planet! John Ortiz said, "Next week we're watching The Lion King!" Austin said, "I've got it. I'll bring the movie!" Yvonne and I said, "OK. We'll bring the pizza and pop corn." For dessert we had Klondike bars.

So Saturday when I picked up Austin at the Naval Station, sure enough he had The Lion King with him. On the way to the house Austin asked, "What game are we playing after the movie?" Since he was soon to be going on deployment we let him pick the game. Skip-Bo!

We played two games. Josh won the first game and Andrew won the second. It was fun!

Sunday Yvonne fixed a pork loin roast and peas and home made rye bread. Gingerbread with hot apple sauce and whipped cream was for dessert.

Jonathan Silva and his wife Nichole came over for a little while after dinner. Nichole lives in Livermore, California, the same place Yvonne's sister lives. As a matter of fact, they don't even live that far apart in Livermore! What a small world!


  1. Dear John, This is your Auntie Cathy reminding you that you HAVE seen The Lion King. You even saw it LIVE! Don't you remember? Oma Barbara and I took you and Nils to the very beautiful Pantages Theater in Hollywood. I took you to look at the pit orchestra under the stage. The characters danced in the aisles and you were thrilled! Remember? Take care, hugs.

    1. Yes, John was one of the guys who insisted I watch the Lion King because I (John Wagner) had never seen it. All the guys said they had seen it. They even asked Yvonne if she had seen it and she said, "I was a pre-school teacher, I've seen it many times!" Now I can say I've seen it too! :)
