Military Ministry at The Lighthouse

Military Ministry at The Lighthouse
LEGO American Roadshow

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Danielle Joined Us For Hot Dogs and Attack Uno!

July 22, 2017

Josh Ellinor invited one of his coworkers, Danielle Felone, to join us for our weekend activities. Todd Williams was here for his Reserve duty weekend, and Bethany Lokey was here too. We ate hot dogs and chips and Klondike bars for dessert.

Then it was on to a rousing game of Attack Uno!

Danielle pressed the button and got cards shot at her. Then she checked inside to see if there were any more cards that didn't come all the way out. She picked up the game real quick!

Then it was Bethany's turn to shuffle and deal.

Hey Bethany, look over here!

You too Danielle!

In case you're curious whose arms are at the right of the picture - they were Todd's. See him at the right of the picture? It was Danielle's turn to shuffle.

I loved the expression on Danielle's face when I asked her to pose for a picture! If only I could have gotten some cards shooting out at her at the same time.

Yvonne and Bethany...I know Yvonne is glad to have the neck brace off!

After eating and playing we went into the living room to pray. When we shared prayer requests Danielle wanted to know how to get a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I shared Revelation 3:20 and other scriptures with her and then prayed for her. She said she felt really calm and peaceful after we prayed. Sunday morning she came to my Sunday School class where I was able to explain the plan of salvation more fully.

And finally, the weekly mustache photo update.

Check out my intermediate Oliver Wendall Holmes mustache. It's getting there...slowly.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Alex Joins Us For Watermelon and Jenga!

July 15, 2017

We had another fun night! Josh Ellinor and Alex Crespo joined us for hamburgers and watermelon.

Then we played a couple games of Jenga. That's not a game we play very often, but it was fun!

Look at the pictures and see some of the intensity of the game.

Then we switched to a card game called "Golf".

This is our electric shuffling machine. Way better than trying to do it by hand! Although, it doesn't always do such a great job either.


Any idea who won the golf tournament??

This is Alex. He's a soldier stationed at Fort Lewis in Washington. His family lives just up the street from us. We've known him since he was a little boy. He's not so little any more! Really nice young man.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Boggle! It's Like Scrabble Mixed With Crossword Puzzles Mixed With Dice...

Tia bought us a new game for my birthday!It's called Boggle!

This is a game in which you make words in all sorts of directions using letter cubes. They get shaken up in a cage, and then you get three minutes to make as many words as you can. Unfortunately, if someone else gets the same word no one gets credit for it. You can go up or down, diagonally, or in a square or in a zigzag pattern. You just can't use the same letter twice in the same word.

Yvonne, Tia, Bethany, Josh and I played. Fun new game!