Military Ministry at The Lighthouse

Military Ministry at The Lighthouse
LEGO American Roadshow

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Military Ministry Trip To The Outer Banks

Andrew Raffety has been suggesting we go to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a day trip for a long time now. Well, this past weekend we finally did it for real!

We all (Andrew, Josh, and John) met at our house at 0830 Saturday morning and took off for our day trip. Andrew offered to buy donuts for us all if we made a quick stop at Krispy Kreme, but I had other plans.

Our first stop was in Duck, North Carolina. And what better place to stop in Duck, North Carolina, but Duck Donuts!

We all ordered the toppings we wanted on our donuts, and then went across the boardwalk and watched them make them! But not until we took some pictures with Mighty Duck!

While we waited, we got a personal tour of the donut making process. And, oh they smelled Sooo good! Then it was time to watch the magic happen - the icing and toppings!

And then it was time to do the dirty deed - EAT THEM!!! And trust me, it did not take long! Check out the empty box!

Then it was on to our next destination - Currituk Beach Lighthouse. Josh, John, and Yvonne walked the 220 steps to the top of the lighthouse! I knew my leg couldn't make that climb, Andrew stayed behind with me. So we went through the gift shop.

They had a few people on display who ate too many donuts - kind of a scary thought!

From the lighthouse our next stop was Kitty Hawk, North Carolina - site of the Wright Brothers first powered airplane flight!

I'm glad we came when we did! The ranger told us that the full scale replica of the Wright Brothers' plane was shipped out the previous week in preparation of a two year remodeling project of the memorial site! We did time it just right too, because when we got to the visitor's center the ranger was just about to start a presentation and tour.

The wooden building behind everyone is the hanger that Wilbur and Orville Wright used to house their plane.

It was so strange to see a plane taxiing down the runway of a small airfield behind the memorial as the ranger was telling us about the Wright Brothers' runway right in front of the big boulder and behind the ranger.

And then it was time for another group shot at the exact spot where the first flight took place!

This is a model inside the visitor's center that shows the area the day Orville and Wilbur flew their plane. The fun part was yet to come! Pictures with the full scale bronze near the memorial. 

By the time we got finished posing and taking pictures with these throwbacks to the 1900s everyone was hungry, so we went to the La Fogata Mexican Restaurant for dinner. Food was really good!

After dinner we had a couple more stops to make. The first was to the Bodie Island Lighthouse and the second was to...well, you'll figure it out in a minute.

To close they day we stopped at Sweet Frog OBX...for frozen yogurt for dessert.

And finally we ended our trip for that day and headed back home. But we have a plan! Next time we come down to the Outer Banks, and there will be a next time, we'll go straight to Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and Ocracoke Island to see the wild ponies.

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