Military Ministry at The Lighthouse

Military Ministry at The Lighthouse
LEGO American Roadshow

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

John, Jass, and the Iced Tea Saga!

What happens when your girl friend comes to visit from California, and you bring her to meet your extended Virginia Beach family - John and Yvonne?

You DON'T open the freezer door!

John Ortiz brought his girlfriend Jass to meet Yvonne and me last night. They drove all the way up from the outer banks, so we invited them to stay for supper.

John asked, "Where is the iced tea?"

Busy preparing supper, and forgetting that the ice tea jug was precariously sitting in the freezer leaning against the freezer door,

Yvonne simply said, "In the freezer."

That sounded a little strange to John, but Yvonne often puts drinks in the freezer to get them cold a little quicker before we eat.

John reached up and opened the door to the freezer and out popped the gallon jug of iced tea!

John did a great job of catching the jug as it tumbled out of the freezer, but not before the tiny lid popped off and the jug tipped over enough to splash about a quart of iced tea all over the kitchen!

There was raspberry iced tea that ended up in the refrigerator, on the wall by the refrigerator, all over the kitchen floor all the way to the pantry, and all over John's shirt and socks!

Fortunately, Jass brought a hoodie that John went out to the car to change into.

After some fancy work with a big bath towel we got the tea mopped up, the walls cleaned off, and we sat down to eat.

We now had a new story to add to our collection of funny (though somewhat embarrassing) events at the Wagner house!

Jass was a really good sport about the whole thing. We all laughed and joked about what happened. John even offered to do a reenactment! An offer we quickly declined!!!!

But we did take some pictures and decided to add the story to our blog for you to read!

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