Military Ministry at The Lighthouse

Military Ministry at The Lighthouse
LEGO American Roadshow

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Andrew Raffety Wins Settlers of Catan

Yvonne fixed cold cut sandwiches and pizza for dinner followed by her now infamous cinnamon rolls.

My left leg has been hurting so after we ate dinner Andrew carried in one of the Lazy Boy recliners from my office for me to sit in! That was so nice of him! When I sat in the chair it was so low I felt like a little kid...acted like one too. Can you tell?

We had a good time tonight with Andrew. He suggested playing Settlers of Catan. That board game is becoming one of our favorites!

And Andrew won! Yea!!

Yvonne giving Andrew the winners trophy of the evening

Then Andrew and Yvonne cleaned up so fast that I almost didn't get the picture of their arms.

Today (Sunday) we had meatloaf, broccoli, and Italian Farro Perlato for dinner. Mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. (Sorry, no pictures).

Then we watched two episodes of The Origins Series. "The Origin of the Universe", and "The Earth, A Young Planet?" This is a video series presenting the scientific evidence refuting the theory of evolution. It's the best series on this topic I have ever seen!


Afterwards we shared prayer requests and prayed together. We started talking about hymns and pulled out our hymn books and sang some of the ones we all knew. When Andrew had to leave he suggested doing that again next week. Sounds like a plan to me!

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