Military Ministry at The Lighthouse

Military Ministry at The Lighthouse
LEGO American Roadshow

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Visits with Bob and Toree

Everybody either had duty, had to work, or had other plans today. So Yvonne and I just kicked back and relaxed this afternoon. But later Bob Kroeger came over and visited for a while. 

While Yvonne and I visited with him, Toree Mathis called from Hawaii! We got to catch up with what was happening in his side of the planet! 95 degrees with tropical breezes, and lots of sunshine! Boy, Toree is really suffering for his country over there!  :)

Too bad I couldn't just crawl through the phone connection and get to where he was! He did say that I was right about the difference in temperature on the Kaneohe side of the island. He had to go to Pearl City and it was in the 90s...when he got back to his side of the island it was only 75 degrees!

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